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Dr Thomas's publications - external compression

Compression bandages

  1. Logan, R. A., Thomas, S. et al. (1992). "A comparison of sub-bandage pressures produced by experienced and inexperienced bandagers." Journal of Wound Care 1(3): 23-26.

  2. Nelson, A. and Thomas, S. (1998). "Selecting bandages." Journal of Wound Care 7(8): suppl 11-3.

  3. Thomas, S. (1990). "Bandages and bandaging, the science behind the art." Care Science and Practice 8: 56-60.

  4. Thomas, S. (1995). Bandages used in leg ulcer management. Leg Ulcers, Nursing Management, A Research-based Guide. N. Cullum and B. Roe. Harrow, Scutari Press: 63-74.

  5. Thomas, S. (1996). "High-compression bandages." Journal of Wound Care 5(1): 40-3.

  6. Thomas, S. (1997). "A guide to dressing selection." Journal of Wound Care 6(10): 479-82.

  7. Thomas, S. (2000). "Measuring sub-bandage pressure." Journal of Wound Care 9(10): 491-2.

  8. Thomas, S. and Nelson, A.(1998). "Graduated external compression in the treatment of venous disease." Journal of Wound Care 7(8): suppl 1-4.

  9. Thomas, S. and Nelson, A. (1998). "Types of compression bandage." Journal of Wound Care 7(8): suppl 5-10.

  10. Thomas, S. and Wilde, L. G. et al. (1986). Performance profiles of extensible bandages. Phlebology, Proceedings of a symposium, Union Internationale de Phlebologie, London 1985. D. Negus and G. Jantet. London, John Libbey and Co.: 16-20, 667-670.

Compression Hosiery

  1. Thomas, S. (1999). "Graduated compression and the prevention of deep vein thrombosis (part1)." Journal of Wound Care 8(1): 41-43.

  2. Thomas, S. (1999). "Graduated compression and the prevention of deep vein thrombosis (part2)." Journal of Wound Care 8(2): 93-95.

  3. Thomas, S. (1999). "Graduated compression and the prevention of deep vein thrombosis (part3)." Journal of Wound Care 8(3): 133-139.

  4. Thomas, S., M. Fear, et al. (1992). "Compression therapy in an obese patient." Journal of Wound Care 1(1): 19-20.

  5. Thomas, S., Toyick, N. et al. (2000). Graduated compression and the prevention of deep vein thrombosis. Bridgend, SMTL.

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