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Dr Thomas's publications on maggot therapy

  1. Bell, N. J. and Thomas, S. (2001). "Use of sterile maggots to treat panniculitis in an aged donkey." Veterinary Record 149: 768-770.

  2. Bexfield, A., and Nigam, Y. et al. (2004). "Detection and partial characterisation of two antibacterial factors from the excretions/secretions of the medicinal maggot Lucilia sericata and their activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)." Microbes Infect 6(14): 1297-304.

  3. Jones, M., and Andrews, A. et al. (1998). "A case history describing the use of sterile larvae (maggots) in a malignant wound." World Wide Wounds //

  4. Jones, M. and Thomas S. (1997). "Wound cleansing- a therapy revisited." Journal of Tissue Viability 7(4): 119-121.

  5. Jones, M. and Thomas S. (2000)."Larval therapy." Nursing Standard 14(20): 47-51.

  6. Lodge, A., Jones, M., et al. (2006). "Maggots 'n' Chips: a novel approach to the treatment of diabetic ulcers." British Journal of Community Nursing, Wound Care Supplement, 11(12): S23- S26.

  7. Nigam, Y., Bexfield, A. et al. (2006). "Maggot Therapy: The Science and Implication for CAM Part I-History and Bacterial Resistance." Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 3(2): 223-7.

  8. Nigam, Y., Bexfield, A. et al. (2006). "Maggot Therapy: The Science and Implication for CAM Part II-Maggots Combat Infection." Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 3(3): 303-8.

  9. Sherman, R. A., Hall, M. J. et al. (2000). "Medicinal maggots: an ancient remedy for some contemporary afflictions." Annual Review of Entomology 45: 55-81.

  10. Thomas, S. (1998). "A wriggling remedy." Chemistry and Industry(17): 680-683.

  11. Thomas, S. (2000). New treatments for diabetic foot ulcers (c) larval therapy. The Foot in Diabetes, 3rd edition. A. J. M. Boulton, H. Connor and P. R. Cavanagh, John Wiley & Sons Ltd: 185-191.

  12. Thomas, S. (2000). "The use of maggots in wound management." BMJ

  13. Thomas, S. (2001). "New hope from old therapy: maggots in wound care." Nursing in Practice Winter: 103-106.

  14. Thomas, S. (2001). Sterile maggots and the preparation of the wound bed. Wound bed preparation. G. Cherry, K. G. Harding and T. J. Ryan. London, Royal Society of Medicine Press Limited: 59-65.

  15. Thomas, S. (2002). "Maggots in wound care." Update(11 April 2002): 464-467.

  16. Thomas, S. (2002). "The use of sterile maggots in wound management." Nursing Times 98(36): 45-46.

  17. Thomas, S. (2003). "The use of maggot therapy in an infected amputation  wound." Irish Nurse 6(3): 26-28.

  18. Thomas, S. (2004). "Advice for community pharmacists on how to order and dispose of maggots." Pharmaceutical Journal 272: 222-223.

  19. Thomas, S. (2006). "The cost of managing chronic wounds in the UK with particular emphasis on maggot debridement therapy." Journal of Wound Care 15(10): 465-469.

  20. Thomas, S. and Andrews A. (1999). "The effect of hydrogel dressings on maggot development." Journal of Wound Care 8(2): 75-7.

  21. Thomas, S., and Andrews, A. et al. (1999). "Maggots are useful in treating infected or necrotic wounds [letter; comment]." Bmj 318(7186): 807-8.

  22. Thomas, S. and Andrews A. M. (1999). "The effect of hydrogel dressings on maggot development." Journal of Wound Care 8(2): 75-77.

  23. Thomas, S., and Andrews, A. M. et al. (1999). "The anti-microbial activity of maggot secretions: results of a preliminary study." Journal of Tissue Viability 9(4): 127-132.

  24. Thomas, S. and Jones M. (1999). The use of sterile maggots in wound management. Ipswich, Wound Care Society.

  25. Thomas, S. and Jones M. (2000). Maggots and the battle against MRSA. Bridgend, SMTL.

  26. Thomas, S. and Jones M. (2000). "Maggots can benefit patients with MRSA." Practice Nurse 20(2): 101-104.

  27. Thomas, S. and Jones M. (2001). "Wound debridement: evaluating the costs." Nursing Standard 15(22): 59-61.

  28. Thomas, S. and Jones, M. et al. (1997). "The use of fly larvae in the treatment of wounds." Nursing Standard 12(12): 54-59.

  29. Thomas, S. and Jones, M. et al. (1998). "The use of larval therapy in wound management." Journal of Wound Care 7(10): 521-524.

  30. Thomas, S. and Jones, M. et al. (1996). "Wound care. All you need to know about ... maggots." Nursing Times 92(46): 63-6, 68, 70 passim.

  31. Thomas, S. and Jones,M. et al. (1996). "Using larvae in modern wound management." Journal of Wound Care 5(2): 60-9.

  32. Thomas, S., and Jones, M. et al. (2001). "The current status of maggot therapy in wound healing." British Journal of Nursing (supplement) 10(22): s5-s12.

  33. Thomas, S. and McCubbin, P. (2002). "Use of maggots in the care of wounds." Hospital Pharmacist 9(9): 267-271.

  34. Thomas, S. and Wynn, K. et al. (2002). "The effect of containment on the properties of sterile maggots." British Journal of Nursing (supplement) 11(12): S21-S28.

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